Channel: ForcePlayZ
Category: Entertainment
Tags: what it feels like to work at appleandroid vs iphoneandroid vs iosandroid gamerssamsung makes funiphone gamerswhen a gamer getsappleiphone unboxingmicrosoft makes funapple makes fungamerfunnyios gamerswhat it feels like to workat applewhat it feels like to work at eaparodyiphoneanimationandroid vs applestickman animationstickman memeiphone x unboxingmobile gamersiphone xs maxvswhat it feels like
Description: What it feels like to work at Apple Thank you for watching! Songs used in this video: Sad piano sound effect Goblins from Mars - Turf War 2.0 Focus Fire - Mirage [NCS Release] Petar Della Pietra - Bass Heads Games played: none PC Specs: i7-7700k GTX 1070 16GB Ram