Channel: Behind The Meme
Category: Education
Tags: riverdalehow tomemetrendkarma is a bitch challengeoriginwhat is the karma is a challengebestvideoexplainedwhenscenewhat ischinesesnapchattwitterdou yinmusicquotekreayshawnredditwheresocial mediavinefunnysongappkarmaoriginalbitchmusicaleditkarma'sbeats antiquehistorytransformationmemesmusical.lykarma is awhatchinawhat is the songcompilationchallengeknowinformationwhoremix
Description: The Karma is a bitch challenge is a new social media video trend from china! Videos of people making transformations along with the quote and song are uploaded and shared with others and have began to spread beyond the country of it's origins. The challenge is a bit vain and superficial but if you look around you see that's how most of society is sadly. One good thing about this era in which we live is it allows people to be creative and take elements from various places and use them to create something new, such as this trend and the music used within it. Remix Song - Twitter@BehindTheMeme