Channel: Scooby Noob
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecrafthow to builddiamond tunnel minecraftlongest tunnel minecraftcrystal minecraftminecraft noob vs pro vs hackerlongestcrystalwhat insidetunnel minecraftinside tunnelminecraft trapwhat inside tunnel minecraftdiamond tunnelsecret tunnelnoobminecraft basecrystal diamonds minecraftlongest tunnelpronew tunnelcrystal tunnel minecraftcrystal tunneldiamondhackerdiamond minecraftchallenge in minecraftinside tunnel minecrafttunnel
Description: WHAT IS INSIDE THIS LONGEST DIAMOND TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT ? 100% TROLLING TRAP ! WHAT IS INSIDE THIS LONGEST DIAMOND TUNNEL in Minecraft ??? Write in the comments where you live, and I live in Hollywood :) Subscribe and press Like 3.300.000 Subs Thanks brothers and sisters! Mail for business offers - SCOOBY NOOB ~ present a funny minecraft machinima Noob vs Pro and Hacker challenge. Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound