Channel: HamRadioConcepts
Category: Entertainment
Tags: dstarfirst hf antennahamradioprephotspothow to build a dipole antennadipole antennaradiowavz.comdmrid52antenna analyzerkj4yziwhat is a dipolepistarpotahebeamkenwooddipoleham radio prepfirst ham radio antennahf antennak8mrd radiorigexpertnxdnsystem fusionham radio 2.0amateur radioyaesutechnicianbuilding a dipoleradiowavz antennahamradioconceptsradiowavz sentinalp25ham radio crash courseham radio conceptski6nazsotabaofeng
Description: It's just a dipole.. It is not magic. It's not the best antenna you can have, but it's the easiest and the most affordable... Check out the video to learn more.. SUBSCRIBE (Join the newsletter) CHECK OUT the new HamRadioConcepts podcast on ALL the popular platforms.. ALSO listen to the podcast on AM shortwave from WRMI shortwavein Okeechobee Florida, every Sunday evening 8pm-9pm EST 9.395MHZ/5.950MHz Interested in obtaining your ham radio license? The best way to get started is at Use the code eric20 at checkout to save 20%. You will pass the exam on your first try or your money back. #dipole #hamradio #hamradioconcepts