Category: Entertainment
Tags: the planetspictures of planetsplanet factsclosest planet to the sunvenus planetmercurysolar system planetsplanets in orderjupiterspacesmartspace sciencewhat planet is closest to the sunthe solar systemearth planetbananathe spacesolar systemplanetmarssun planetplanet sizesplanet earthlargest planet in solar systemour solar systemuniversehow many planets are in the solar systemsolar system facts
Description: Be like SMART BANANA: Every person in the world has at least 5 different twins who can look like you as 2 drops of water. If so, why couldn’t we just imagine that somewhere in the Universe our planet has its own twin sister, similar to ours in its size, atmosphere and perhaps in its inhabitants. It seems that this was the reasoning of the inhabitants of Ancient Greece, who believed that in the Solar System there is a planet very similar to Earth and which is located on the other side of the Sun. This planet was named anti-Earth because of its location. Of course, the theory of the anti-Earth has been completely rejected by modern scientists, although the idea of an Earth-like world is still very intriguing for those scientists who began to look for such a planet in the far corners of the Universe. And of course, they Did found it! And not just one! TIMESTAMPS: Kepler-438b 01:00 Earth 2.0 orbit 03:05 Titan 04:01 Enceladus 04:25 #space #planets #smartbanana Music by Epidemic Sound: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): Smart Banana videos are for entertainment purposes. If you feel there is a factual inaccuracy, have a suggestion for a new topic, or are a fan of the Smart Banana, we want to hear from you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: The Bright Side of Youtube: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: