Channel: МАМА+
Category: Entertainment
Tags: papa bathes babyмама+мама плюсмалышmama plusfor childrenmy dadbaby bath timefor kidsдетиmama+baby denistoddlerbaby and daddychildrenbabykids videovlogfun daybathing babyfunfunnykids
Description: Kids are playing, having fun. Mom asks Matilda to bathe baby Denis. Girl decides to ask for her dad's help. Kids help Daddy to wash baby. Children have a lot of fun because Papa doesn't really know what baby bath time is. Dad can't even choose the right shampoo in the bathroom. Kids give him hints. Matilda knows everything and gives good advices to her Daddy to get toddler Denis well washed. It was a day of fun with baby in bathtub, finally bath time routine is done, and children can play. Molfix diapers: "Baby Denis and Baby Born Doll" playlist: Other MAMA+ family friendly videos with funny kids: Children in other languages: kids, baby, niños, çocuklar, 孩子们, 아이들, bambini, páistí, børn, barn, kinder, crianças, enfants, बच्चे, 子供たち, děti, uşaq, kinders, дзеці, деца, páistí, παιδιά, балалар, балдар, vaikai, kinderen, dzieci, діти. Our contacts: Google+ - FB - Twitter - ВК -