Channel: PopCross Studios
Category: Entertainment
Tags: dragonballzcomicsdrawing armorarmoursonic the hedgehog 2chaos emeraldgreen lantern ringdungeons and dragonspopcrossmaster emeralddnd charactersknucklesthanosdragon rider armormcudrawing knightsspeedpaintgokudragon armord&dsuperheroes as armorfantasyinfinity gemsgreen lanterninfinity stonesdnd armordc moviesdc comicssuperheroes as knightsarmor designdragon ball zthe infinity gauntletarmormarvel
Description: In the last Fantasy Armors episode I asked you all to give me suggestions for what could make a good third video in the series. Many people suggested the Infinity Stones from Marvel, but an idea that could also incorporate that was doing fictional artifacts or relics as Armor. Here are past episodes by the way: Elements as Armor: Fictional Elements as Armor: So in this episode, I took the Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity Stones, a Green Lantern lantern, the Dragon Balls from Dragon Ball Z and the Master Emerald from Sonic The Hedgehog and turned all those things into their own suits of armor like you’d see in Dungeons and Dragons or a fantasy series or something! Something a fantasy Knight would wear. Hope you all enjoy: What if FAMOUS ARTIFACTS Were FANTASY ARMOR?! (Lore & Speedpaint) PopCross Community Redraw Submissions can be sent to either of the following: DISCORD: (in the Characters-For-Pop Channel) EMAIL: