Channel: Topfelya
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: planeflightaircraft landingavgeekfinnairtyrewhat happensairlineslanding gearboeing landinglanding gear touchdownairlineryanairslow motionairbus a330aircrafthow landing gear worksaircraft landing gear slow motionrunwayimpressiveairbus landingboeingeurowingsklmairplanesairportboeing 787 dreamlinerawesomelandingairbusairplaneflyingembraercorendon boeing 737-800plane spottingthis is what happensaircraft landing geareasyjet
Description: Most satisfying footage you'll ever see ! Landing gear is one of the critical subsystems of an aircraft. The primary function of the landing gear is to absorb the force of landing and, of course, prevent the fuselage from hitting the ground. Also another main function is to supports the aircraft on the ground, but also makes it possible for the aircraft to move forward on the ground with wheels, tires, and brakes. Moreover, it's designed to enable the aircraft to reach the required speed for takeoff.Usually made of steel, which is robust, but heavy. Some parts are also made of titanium alloys. Airplanes in this video : Singapore airlines Airbus A350-900 TUI Boeing 787 Dreamliner Airbus a320 a319 EasyJet Ryanair Boeing 737 Finnair a320 KLM airlines Embraer 195 Corendon Boeing 737-800 Eurowings Virgin Atlantic Airbus A330-200 Aerlingus A330 A320 Music : Drums of the Deep by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Source: Artist: Filmed in high frames rate with telescopic zoom lens Copyright Topfelya ©