Channel: leyla
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: leyla rose boyfriendplan with memental illnessmakeup by leylamental healththat leyla lifeday in the lifemorning routineovercoming anxietyanxietyleyla roseleylavlogleyla rose breakupfollow me arounddaily vlogleyla rose vlogsmental health storydepressiontravel vlognight routine
Description: "mental illness is not a choice; but recovery is" • o p e n m e • hey guys, i filmed this "update" video and it really didn't go in the direction i thought. I ended up speaking about mental health and opening up about how I've been feeling lately; i opened up more than i have in a long time. i speak a lot about rising above because i feel like that is the purpose of this platform. i truly pray that you feel some essence of hope from this video. i know that there is purpose behind all pain and one of mine is to share hope with all of you. i know it's no coincidence that the day after filming this (and the day i planned to upload it) was world mental health day. there is purpose in you watching this, i wholeheartedly believe that. feel free to comment below, support and love each other. this channel is a place of love. here are some numbers you can call if you feel you need any type of help: UK: Samaritans 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline) Mind 0300 123 3393 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm) No Panic 0844 967 4848 (daily, 10am-10pm) (there are numbers for each country, so if needed - google the helplines for where you live if you need to talk to someone x) thank you for the love always, you're a fighter. leyla x • f o l l o w m e • ► main channel: ►instagram: @leyla ( ►my art instagram: @leylaroseart ( ►twitter: @makeupbyleyla ( ►snapchat: makeupbyleyla ►MY SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: • m u s i c • » haux - homegrown (to listen to more music i use in my vlogs; check out my spotify playlist: • c o n t a c t m e • » for business enquiries ONLY: ► I hope you guys enjoyed this vlog - vlogging really does mean so much to me and the support means a lot. If you love creative videos be sure to like this video - it really helps! subscribe if you aren't already; and finally click the bell too :) DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored.