Channel: Leyla Rose
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: makeupmy skincare routineskincare productshow toleyla rose skincare routineproducts for acne scarsskin care routineskinacne skin carehow to stop breakoutsmy skin care routineleyla roseskincare routine for acnehow i cleared my skinskincare routine 2019how to clear spotsleyla rose skincaremakeup tutorialproducts for acneskincare routine
Description: • OPEN ME FOR MORE GOOD STUFF • • F O L L O W M E • ►VLOG CHANNEL: That Leyla Life ►INSTAGRAM: @leyla ( ►TWITTER: @makeupbyleyla ( ►SNAPCHAT: makeupbyleyla --------------------------------------------------------- hey guys! I am finally sharing my skin care routine! this skincare routine changed my skin and especially these products which are all of my favourites! I talk about my morning and also show my night routine! my skin is definitely still not perfect and I still have my breakouts as seen in this video.. but from going from acne to today has been such improvement! Its totally normal to get spots and no skin is perfect! x I am sooo excited to be sharing how I finally cleared my skin! I HOPE YOU ENOY :) --------------------------------------------------------- ►M U S I C : swtvlly - someone ►FOR BUSINESS ENQUIRES/PR ONLY, CONTACT ME: --------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored. Never forget how special and amazing you truly are, Love you! Leyla xo