Channel: Dynasty
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Tags: mortal kombat 12jean-claudejean claude van damme dlcjean claude van dammmortal kombat 11ed boonmortal kombat 11 jean claude van dammekombatmk12jean claude van damme mortal kombatmortal kombat 12 jean claude van dammemortal kombat xjean claude van dammemortal kombat x jean claude van dammecagemortal kombatmortal kombat jean claude van dammejohnny cagejohnnynetherrealmmortal kombat new era jean claude van dammemortalmortal kombat johnny cage
Description: We ALMOST Got Jean-Claude Van Damme in MKX & MK11 ... (Mortal Kombat 12?) Get MK9 on PC from G2A - Jean-Claude Van Damme premier skin for Mortal Kombat 12? Who knows! JCVD and the movie Bloodsport are known to have been at the forefront of influence when it came to the creation of the original Mortal Kombat. In particular, Johnny Cage is essentially a MK'd version of JCVD. Over the weekend, it was confirmed that Johnny Cage has come close to getting a skin dedicated to the martial artist who inspired his creation! Does this mean maybe, it'll be considered again for Mortal Kombat 12? From all accounts, if the studio has considered doing this and JCVD himself has recently stated he wants to be part of Mortal Kombat ... what's stopping this from happening? Could it be that a deal just hasn't been done for the right amount of money? Or does a certain company feel like it would be a waste? Who knows! Regardless, I figure it's really cool to see that the team has essentially considered this on more than 1 occasion! So, what do you all think of this? Do you think we'll ever get a Jean-Claude Van Damme Skin for Mortal Kombat? Maybe in Mortal Kombat 12? Or is this just a dream? Let me know! With that said, drop a like, leave a comment and subscribe for more Mortal Kombat! Like the amazing art of JCVD in the thumbnail? Check it out right here: Below are recent Mortal Kombat videos you might enjoy: Mortal Kombat New Era 2022 - Jean-Claude Van Damme Playthrough Chess Kombat on "MAX" Difficulty! - Mortal Kombat: Deception "CHESS KOMBAT" Playthrough! Why is Motaro Missing His Feet? - Motaro Playthrough (Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Arcade Ladder) Did The 1st Mortal Kombat 12 Character Get Leaked? Instagram: Twitter: Livestream: Music used: Like that outro song? Click here: Checkout G2A for PC games! #MortalKombat #JeanClaudeVanDamme #JohnnyCage