Channel: nutsVSguts
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: sonic the hedgehoglinkisabelleresident evilbattle of the sexesamy rosedragonballbowsetteseongmortal kombatbowserseungprincessthanosstreet fighterfightone punch mangokulaura matsudagender warvideo gamecartoonpeachbayonettanico robinanimationbattlealexavengersjohnny cagezeldaminatoadstoolanimesnap
Description: Battle Royale Of the Sexes: Invitational Smackdown (B.R.O.S.I.S.) It's #TeamBRO vs #TeamSIS where the boys take on the girls in all out battle, where anything goes. Bowsette takes on Princess Peach. Goku takes on Isabelle! Watch out for Thanos...and Bowsette's tail! There are no Avengers here to save you from the snap! Announced so far: #TeamBRO Link (The Legend of Zelda) Alex (Street Fighter) Billy Coen (Resident Evil) Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat) Son Goku (Dragonball Z / Super / DBS) Saitama (One Punch Man) Bowser/ Bowsette (Super Mario Bros.) Sonic the Hedgehog #TeamSIS Amy Rose / Rosy the Rascal (Sonic the Hedgehog) Seong Mina / Seung Mina (Soul Calibur) Princess Peach / Toadstool (Super Mario Brothers / Smash Bros.) Chun Li (Street Fighter) Nico Robin (One Piece) Isabelle (Animal Crossing) Laura Matsuda (Street Fighter) Bayonetta