Channel: Jeff Horchoff Bees
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: catching a queen bee in a queen cagequeen beeslarge bee hive in a houseremoving a bee hive from a houseusing a bee vac to remove a bee hiveremoving combs of honey from a houserenovating a house after hurricane katrinausing honey bandit to chase bees in a ceilinghoney bees in a housebee vacuumhurricane katrinaway down yonder in new orleans i did a bee removal and got the queen.honey bandit
Description: Even though I don't make the trip to New Orleans often, mostly because it's just to far to go and I have so many removals nearer to me, I still enjoy going there. After all, I was born and grew up there as well. So, it is a city that holds a place in my heart. On this adventure Good Time Charlie, Hollis, and myself remove a colony of bees from the ceiling of a house in New Orleans East. This part of New Orleans was hit extremely hard from Hurricane Katrina, and much of the area still has homes boarded up or abandoned. However, the home we went to was one being brought back to life, and bees had moved in. I have to apologies for not getting the queen capture on video, but we did manage to get her at the very end, and the bees continue to thrive at Hollis' apiary on the north shore of Lake Pontchatrain some 50 miles away. God's peace to all. Mr. Ed