Channel: ExcelIsFun
Category: Education
Tags: master tableformulas and functionschoosecols functionhighline collegemike girvinemtsheet tabexcel magic trick 1786emt 1786append with formulaexcel is funexcel magiccombine worksheet data into tableexcel formula to combine data3-d referencesexcel functionsconsolidate data in excel workbookexcel funlet functionexcelvstack array functioncombine worksheet datafilter functionmicrosoft 365 excelexcel 365excel formulasexcelisfun
Description: Download Excel File: Learn how to combine data from multiple worksheets into a single table with a fully dynamic and automatically updating table. Topics: 1. (00:00) Introduction 2. (00:48) Worksheet data and downside 3. (01:19) Worksheet Name Syntax 4. (02:10) Formula with VSTACK to get data from multiple sheets 5. (03:42) LET, FILTER and CHOOSECOLS functions to remove rows with no data. 6. (05:57) Wonderment at the new world of Excel! 7. (06:16) Closing and Video Links