Channel: madi bernard
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: ranttowhomebernardcostco haulrestoration hardware dupemadi bernardmoving vlogmadinew househouse tourempty house tourcloud couch dupeatlanta vlogatlanta bloggercloud couchmoving vlogsmoving
Description: hi angels! thanks for coming along with us while we move. let me know if you enjoyed this video by leaving a thumbs up or a comment 🤎✨💕🪐🧚🏼 my couch: (***TIP***: i highly recommend calling a nearby modani store and ordering through an associate. doing this was so easy, communication was amazing, and shipping was extremely fast!!!! much faster than it would’ve been with an online order) my rug: comfort colors tee: hanging kitchen lights: let me know if you need a link to anything else! x this video is not sponsored