Channel: Moura Graphics
Category: Entertainment
Tags: aircraft (type of fictional setting)planeusaaviation (industry)joint terminal attack controllerairhaloair traffic controller (profession)united states of americahelicoptercascctunited states air force combat control team (organization)jetjtacjet engine (invention)acunited states air force tactical air control partytacpcallhahocallsusafphoneunited states air force (armed force)flyingairplaneunited states of america (country)
Description: CCT / TACP / JTAC Motto: "First There" "Death on Call" "Advise, Assist, Control" "Air to Mud" JTAC: A Joint terminal attack controller (JTAC) is the term used in the United States Armed Forces and some other military forces for a qualified service member who directs the action of combat aircraft engaged in close air support and other offensive air operations from a forward position. The term that is used in most other countries, as well as previously in the US and in the relevant NATO standard is Forward Air Controller. CCT: Assigned to Special Tactics Squadrons, Combat Controllers are an integral part of Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), the Air Force component of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Combat Controllers are often assigned individually or as a team to Army Special Forces, Army Ranger, and Navy SEAL teams to provide expert air support coordination and communications capabilities. TACP: A United States Air Force Tactical Air Control Party, commonly abbreviated TACP, is usually a team of two or more United States Air Force TACP journeyman or craftsman (AFSC 1C4X1) aligned with a conventional or special operational United States Army combat maneuver unit to advise ground commanders on the best use of air power, establish and maintain command and control communications, and provide precision terminal attack guidance of U.S. and coalition fixed- and rotary-wing close air support aircraft, artillery, and naval gunfire. GO CHECK OUT NINJAKIDCH FOR MORE SOF VIDEOS: Website: LIKE & SUBSCRIBE