Channel: KateLalit
Category: Education
Tags: 100 questions and answersuscis testus citizenship questionsnaturalization testcivics lessonscitizenship questionsus citizenship testcitizenship test answerscitizenship interviewuscitizenshiptestcivics flash cards 2020citizenship questions and answerscivic questionsus naturalization test2019 editioncitizenship testus citizenship test 2020naturalization test 2020us citizenship naturalization test 2019 20
Description: 2019 2020 - EDITION Welcome to the US Citizenship Naturalization Civics Lessons for the United States citizenship Interview/Test 2019-20. There are 100 civics questions on the naturalization test. During the naturalization interview, applicants will be asked up to 10 questions from the list of 100 questions in English. You must answer correctly six (6) of the 10 questions to pass the civics test in English. You will not know in advance which questions the officer will ask. To be prepared, you should study all 100 questions and answers. That’s why we have produced this video which contains all 100 questions. The civics test is an oral test. Certain applicants, because of age and time as a permanent resident, are exempt from the English requirements for naturalization and may take the civics test in the language of their choice. Any future changes will be updated and posted in a new video. If you have any questions please leave a comment below. We will reply to every single questions or comment. Good Luck! (*) If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may study just the questions that have been marked with an asterisk. #uscis #uscitizenshiptest #civicsflashcards #citizenshiptest #2019-Edition ~ *IMPORTANT LINKS BUZZFEED STYLE CITIZENSHIP QUIZZES: YOUR STATE'S INFO (SEN/GOV/REP/CAPITAL): QUESTIONS?? : ~ *If you like this video, don't forget to like, comment, share this video and Subscribe to our channel.