Channel: Joe Collins
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: servercomputerdesktopubuntulinuxsoftawrelaptop
Description: In this vid we upgrade Ubuntu Server 20.04 to 22.04 on my netbook files server. WARNING! Do this at your own risk. This is a quick and dirty method and you need to backup up completely before attempting yourself. UPGRADE TO UBUNTU 22.04 FROM COMMAND LINE 1. Check current release: uname -r cat /etc/lsb-release 2. Update Your System: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade 3. Remove orphaned packages no longer needed: sudo apt autoremove 4. Reboot system: sudo reboot 5. Upgrade To Ubuntu 22.04: sudo apt install update-manager-core sudo do-release-upgrade -d (The -d flag is only necessary before official release.) Configure libc6 service to restart when required. Select local ssh config when promoted. 6. Reboot system and check status: uname -r cat /etc/lsb-release Get bash scripts and wallpaper files at: Listen to me on the radio Monday through Friday 7p to Midnight (US EST):