Channel: neo
Category: Entertainment
Tags: countrypoliticsmapsassadsyriarojavaisanalysisexplainedeasyworldfsaessayrebelsunderstandingmapconflict
Description: Twitter: Facebook: E-Mail: You can donate to support this channel. This video on Syria is a political video and therefore can not be monetized on Youtube. Donate one coffee: Reddit: E-Mail me here: This video is a bit different from what I made before. These videos do take a lot of time and so they will always be about whatever I am interested about in that moment. This time, it is the Syrian civil war, and my goal was to make a short video that provides all the information important to understand the basic conflicts. I know that it is a controversial topic, and I tried to keep this video as neutral and informative as possible. It is not complete, the war is very complex, but I tried to provide a good starting point for everyone to do further research. I named the series of this video "Mapped" because I will explain a lot from satelitte perspective. Note that this is heavily influenced by the ARTE series "Mit offenen Karten", which you can check out here: Also make sure you check out Aeham Ahmad, the syrian piano player featured in this video: I am also starting a twitter channel where I will post additional maps and statistics to the topics of my videos. Starting with the next video: @societyofgeeks