Channel: MicrowaveGaming
Category: Gaming
Tags: kalirainbow six siegerainbow six siege nighthavenoopsierainbow six siege bolt action sniperrainbow six siege technical test serverrainbow six siege newsrainbow six siege charmsmicrowave gamingrainbow six siege kalirainbow six siege wamairainbow six siege speculationnew operatortom clancywamairainbow six siege new maprainbow six siege ttsoperation shifting tidesrainbow six siege leakmicrowavegamingrainbow six siege legendary
Description: Ubisoft Leaked their own Year 5 Operator weapons! NIGHTHAVEN speculation and other charms / skins that were leaked! Year of Rat Pic Operation SHIFTING TIDES TESTING! #RainbowSixSiege #OperationShiftingTides