Channel: Random Hands
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: rusty boltbolt to nail clippermaking nail clipperrustyshiney nail clipperturning boltrusty bolt intoturning rusty bolt intonail clipperturning rusty boltturning rusty bolt into nail clipperrandom handsrusty bolt to nail clipperturning bolt into sharp nail clipperdiy nail clliper
Description: Turning a rusted bolt into such a sharp and shiny nail clipper was very challenging. I hope you guys will like the Nail clipper. You guys watch the full video and lemme know if u want to watch more turning projects in future. I hope about 50k likes on this video if we reach this milestone i will upload a turning project again. Share the video with your love ones who might be interested. Also comment below your opinions. Turning a Rusted Bolt into a Shiny NAIL CLIPPER #Rustybolt #MakingNailClipper Best Wishes Random Hands