Channel: Jaw Tooth
Category: Entertainment
Tags: railroad maintenance of way equipmentdangerous trainsrichwood kentucky trainsfast freight trainshuge trainsspecial trainsnorfolk southern main line trainstrains in kentuckyunites states trainsintermodal trainsmassive freight trainscincinnati train videosrailway shuntingrailroad bridgesweird railroad crossingsrailroad constructionrailroad diamondsrailroad shoo flyindustrial railway spursrr bypassbranch line railroadsamerica railways
Description: Railroad Track Construction, New Railroad Bridge, & Trains Passing RR Shoo-Fly! These Trains Booking Are In Richwood, Kentucky. The 2nd train was booking aka hauling butt aka going super fast. New track is being built over the new railroad bridge. This eliminates a dangerous railroad crossing. We see the new railroad industrial spur being built in its permanent location and we see the progress of the new main line being constructed. We see a closeup of the heavy continuous welded rail ( CWR ) and 2 trains went by while I was filming. The first train was a northbound headed to Cincinnati. It was going slow due to a local train switching customers up ahead. The second train was booking! That was a good one. Not sure what the hurry was since they will have to sit and wait before entering Norfolk Southern Gest Street yard. Lol. Filmed April 24, 2022AD on location. Features real people and no actors. The person who you see at the 13:00 mark was not a cardboard cutout. That was a real person ( and not an actor ). I didn't notice him in that shot until I was editing this video. How fast was that second train going? Leave a comment below. Thanks for watching! If you have time, please watch another video of mine to help keep my channel going. Every view helps support my channel. Viewing time helps pay for gas, motels, rental cars etc. I have a list of places that I plan on filming so watch another video of mine if you have the time. Military Train With Army Tanks Street Running! Fast Train Hits RR Crossing Gate With Force! Weirdest Exempt Railroad Crossing Ever! Awesome video of Loaded Coal Train going over old Trestle In Snow! Must See!! Man Carries Bicycle Thru Slow Train! 2 Locomotives Pulling, 2 Locomotives Pushing 150 Gondola Cars In Snow! Train Load Of Steel Slabs Goes Under Me! Do You Like Heights Also?! Here is an interesting video called Railroad Shoo-fly Part 2: Check out this video of a train interrupting Santa Light Up LaGrange Celebration! Please thumbs up and watch another JawTooth video to help my channel. Check out my steam train playlist for some really cool videos including the Big Boy! I also have other railroad videos of all types including short lines, street runners and cabooses in action. Please watch another video to help support my channel: Train Passes Through Crowded Neighborhood! Female Engineer On Street Running Train! Closest House In America To A Railroad Line! Stung By Hornets For Playing Electric Guitar Under Nest!! Man Carries Bike Across Moving Train! Abandoned Railroad Coming Back To Life! Most Dangerous Railroad Employee Action Ever!! Jerk Flips Off Railfan! Stupid Railfans Way Too Close To Fast Train! Street Running Steam Train! Ohio South Central Railroad Chase! First Train Of Year For CCET Part 2! Circus Train Hell! Rain & Lightning!