Channel: Real Crusades History
Category: Education
Tags: knights templarmedieval knightlas navas de tolosatemplar grand mastertemplar documentaryhistory of knightsknights templar battlebattle of montgisardknights templar documentarytemplars hattinsaladin battle of hattintemplar saladintemplar historygrand masterknightssaladin hattintemplar12911191battle of cressonodo of saint-amandhattin documentarytemplars arsufbattle of hattinbattle of arsufsiege of acrecrusades templar
Description: Use my 82% OFF for and get AtlasVPN for $1.99/month: The Knights Templar: fearless warrior monks. They ruled the battlefields of the Crusades. In today’s documentary, we’ll travel through the history of the Knights Templar, examining the most noteworthy battles of these fierce cavalrymen. Strict discipline and constant training allowed them to overcome numerically superior enemy armies. Watch our video on Queen Isabel and the conquest of Granada Get my book about the Crusades: Support my work on Patreon: Thumbnail artwork by Gordon Napier (Dashinvaine) Sources: -Baha ad-Din ibn-Shaddad - The Rare and Excellent History of Saladin, trans. D.S. Richards, (Ashgate, 2002) -Barber, Malcolm - The Crusader States, (Yale, 2014) -Barber, Malcolm - The New Knighthood, (Cambridge, 1994) -Ehrenkreutz, Andrew - Saladin, (State University of New York, 1972) -Gesta Regis Ricardi: The Chronicle of the Third Crusade, trans. Helen Nicholson, (Ashgate, 2001) -Gillingham, John - Richard the Lionheart, (Times Books, 1978) -Latin Chronicle of the Kings of Castile, trans. Joseph O’Callaghan, (Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2002) -Nicholson, Helen - The Knights Templar, (Sutton, 2001) -O’Callaghan, Joseph - Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain, (Pennsylvania, 2004) #KnightsTemplar #Templars #Knights