Channel: HistoryMarche
Category: Education
Tags: william the conquerorwilliam of normandykingdom of englandanglo-saxonmedieval history1066animated documentarynorman conquesthistory documentaryharald hardradasenlac hillharold godwinsonking haroldedward the confessorfogiimfield of glory iicnut the greatbattle of hastingshistory lessonfield of glory ii: medievaldocumentaryfieldofgloryiienglandknightseducationalhastingskingdom of francehistoryduchy of normandynormandyhistorymarche
Description: 🚩 Check out Fields of Glory II - Medieval and relive the Battle of Hastings in this stunningly detailed turn-based strategy! 👇 Push down for more cool stuff 👇 🚩 The Battle of Hastings was extremely important for the history of England. Duke William's invasion was one of the most daring gambles in history and it ended the rule of the Anglo-Saxons that had lasted for over 600 years since the Roman times. The story of what happened was recorded in the Bayeux Tapestry. 🚩 Consider supporting our work on Patreon: 📢 Narrated by David McCallion 📝 Researched and written by: Joshua Potts 🎼 Music: EpidemicSound Filmstro 📝 Sources: Hastings 1066 - The Fall of Saxon England - by Christopher Gravett 1066: The Battle of Hastings: 2017 Medieval Warfare Special Edition - by Kelly DeVries Battleground 1066 - The Battles of York, Stamford Bridge & Hastings - by Peter Marren #hastings #1066 #FieldOfGloryII