Channel: DIY Stitching
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: hand embroiderybasic ribbon embroiderybasic stitchesbeginners embroideryembroiderybasic embroidery stitchesribbon embroidery for beginnersembroidery for beginnershand embroidery for beginnersembroidery tutorialsdiy stitchinghand embroidery tutorialsbasic
Description: TOP 15 RIBBON EMBROIDERY STITCHES | Getting started in ribbon embroidery may seem intimidating at first, but most patterns only require a few basic hand embroidery stitches and our embroidery stitching tutorials fit the bill. Whether you're a new learner or an advanced beginner, if you learn these 15 essential ribbon embroidery stitches, you'll be ready to tackle just about any ribbon embroidery project that comes your way. Today we are going to learn … 1. FRENCH KNOT 2. RIBBON STITCH 3. LAZY DAISY 4. STRAIGHT STITCH 5. SPLIT STITCH 6. STEM STITCH 7. BACK STITCH 8. CROSS STITCH 9. FLY STITCH 10. FEATHER STITCH 11. RIBBON LOOP 12. BUTTONHOLE STITCH 13. HERRINGBONE STITCH 14. WOVEN SPIDER WHEEL 15. FOLDED STITCH Learning all the hand embroidery stitches can be challenging and daunting. But let me tell you this: embroidery is super easy! Just think of it this way — it’s just play with thread. TOP 12 STITCHES IN HAND EMBROIDERY: ______ 100% PURE SILK RIBBONS FOR RIBBON EMBROIDERY Brown Tones: Green Tones: Blue Tones: Purple/Violet Tones: Amazon Shop: ______ Subscribe to Our YouTube Channels DIY Stitching: HadiWorks: ________ Track Info: Not Without the Rest by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: