Channel: Titanic: Honor and Glory
Category: Gaming
Tags: titanic realvirtual realitytitanic videotitanic tourrms olympictitanic jacktitanic domerms titanictitanic staircasetitanic roseocean linertitanic honor and glorytitanic first classss titanictitanic colortitanic video gametitanic disastertitanic honour and gloryunreal enginehonour and glorytitanic angelss olympictitanic clocktitanic filmtitanic 1st classtitanic grand staircasetitanic gametitanic movie
Description: Take a journey back in time from the very base of Titanic's grand staircase on F deck to the top of the entrance on the Boat Deck with highlights of the candelabrum, cherub, clock, and dome. This video has been recorded from previous demos and other unreleased content. It is a preview of our past work and is not representative of the final game. Certain sections will be updated in our Alpha and final game due to new research and work from our team and upgrades in the Unreal Engine. If you want to support the project's development and get early access to the Alpha coming later this year, please visit our Patreon: For media requests: "Organic Meditations Three" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License