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Tips for Adding a Verbal Cue - Examples Down and Spin

Duration: 14:17Views: 7.3KLikes: 281Date Created: Nov, 2021

Channel: Dog Training by Kikopup

Category: Pets & Animals

Tags: voice commandsborder collie puppypuppy trainingdog trainingdog training downverbal commandhow to train a doghow to add a cue for downdog training sitclicker trainingyoutube dog trainerremove the luredog training add a cuepuppy training basicsrespond to voiceverbal cuepositive trainingbest youtube dog trainerdog training verbal cuedog training hand signalprofessional dog trainingyoutube dog trainingborder collie

Description: This video goes over tips for teaching a dog or puppy to perform a behavior on just the verbal and not the visual cue. My puppy Bliss is 17 weeks old (hes a big boy at 25 pounds already!) and he does not know yet to offer a behavior on just a verbal cue for the behaviors of down and spin. So in this video I show you the process of getting to the point where he understands just the word means to do the behavior without the hand gesture or treat lure. I forgot to mention in the video that before adding a cue, its a good idea to do at least 3-5 short training sessions on the behavior with using luring or targeting before asking for the behavior just on a verbal cue with a green learner. With an experienced learner with many behaviors on a verbal cue only, sometimes they can learn a new cue in just a matter of repetitions! But if your dog is really struggling its a matter of just doing a couple short 1-2 min lessons before seeing if the dog can then offer the behavior. Happy Training! -Emily and the Kikopup gang

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