Channel: FirstStateFishing
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: dewalmartgoogle mapsrealisticdelawaregianthugesurprisenewanything that bitesmapsdifficultitwhateveradventurebody of waterbass fishingatmysteryfsflakefishing challengepondbank fishingthrowing a dart at a mapfirststatefishingwinterthrowingdarthowcreekfallmapwhereverdart throwfishingchoosesbitessurprise catchfinding new fishings potsbasswherever it landsthrowing dart at map fishing challengefishlandschallengetimerivertofirst
Description: In this Fishing Challenge I am going to be throwing a DART at a MAP and fishing the closest body of water to where the dart lands!! It is a complete MYSTERY where we're going to be headed until that dart hits the map!! I did not expect for it to go like this.. This is Part III of the dart fishing challenges. Peep the first two here: Throwing a DART at a MAP and FISHING Wherever it Lands!! (Fishing Challenge) Throwing a DART at a MAP and FISHING Wherever it Lands!! (Fishing Challenge) II Again, I want to thank each and every one of you for the support! At the time of this upload we just passed 450,000 I'm having so much fun making these videos, lets keep this rolling! Let me know if you guys like these throwing a dart at a map and fishing where it lands videos! ►►Free Shipping on all orders at Lew's Use Promo Code: FSF Film/Edit Equipment: -GoPro -Final Cut Pro X ►Instagram: FirstStateFishing ►Facebook: Firststatefishing ►Merch: ►►Send me something! PO Box 8070 Newark, DE 19714 Fishing was done in Delaware tight lines