Channel: swiftlessons
Category: Music
Tags: jimi hendrix guitar lickstexas blues guitar lessonstevie ray vaughan voodoo childtexas style blues tutorialvoodoo child austin city limitsblues rock guitar licksadvanced blues licks lessonsrv voodoo child lessonstevie ray vaughan blues guitar lessonstevie ray vaughan lickssrv blues licks lesson
Description: Learn one of SRV's go-to Voodoo Child Licks w/ Bonus Resources at: Hello friends, Welcome back to Swift Guitar Lessons for another lick of the week. In today's session, let's look back to Stevie Ray Vaughan's 1983 Austin City Limits performance and master one of his go-to "Voodoo Child" licks. For ease of learning, I'll break this challenging phase up into three digestible segments and share my tips for mastering difficult techniques. Let's get started! -Rob Amazing Spark Amplifier: Navigation: 0:00 - Introduction 0:50 - Today's Gear 1:29 - Demonstration 2:18 - Part #1 3:30 - Part #2 4:51 - Part #3 6:05 - Review 6:45 - Final Thoughts Enjoy this lesson with PDF study guide at: ___________________________________________________________________ Links: Bonus Resources - Request a song at: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: #guitarlessons #stevierayvaughan #guitar