Channel: Taco Stacks
Category: Entertainment
Tags: best garbage pickinggarbage picking rich neighborhooddumpster diverdallmydholy grailgold miningdumpster divingtrash pickinggarbage pickingbest garbage picking findtreasure huntingtrash findgarbage collectiondumpster dive ultataco stacks garbagebest trash picking finddumpster dive findaquachiggertrash picking findriver divingspeedy divertrash picking rich neighborhoodtrash dayfound money
Description: I always grab these when I see them in the trash! Ep. 586 of trash picking what people throw away! Taco Stacks Merch Available at : Follow me on instagram @Taco_Stacks Send me mail if you would like! Taco Stacks PO BOX 184 STOCKERTOWN, PA 18083-0184 #trashpicking #garbagepicking #dumpsterdiving