Channel: TiborasaurusRex
Category: Comedy
Tags: symbolsabbathflaglaw of godwolfs trapgermany and ukraineancient symbolswolfsangle symbolwar in europeyeshuawolfs hook symbolyhwhprophecytiborasaurusrexten commandmentsbibletorahsniper 101ancientmythologysignificancetruthyehovahjesusukraine in wwiishabbatisraelyahwehgospelrex reviewsyahuah
Description: For THE REAL D.O.P.E., subscribe to the TiborasaurusRex Patreon page! Symbols have meaning and power based on their history and the context of their use in the past. The Woflsangle or Wolf's Hook is one such symbol that has its beginnings as a tool for trapping but has been taken on some sinister new meanings over the millennia. In the current war in Europe the infamous symbol has reemerged. What are the historical, political, and spiritual ramifications of association with such a sinister image? Rex explains how and why the disregarding of the Moral Law as outlined by the Ten Commandments has its consequences. Enjoy.