Channel: iskall85
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftminecraft bases 2022vault hunters tutorialiskall vault huntersiskall modded minecraftcake vaultminecraft mods 2022modded minecraft 2022base building minecraftmodded base minecraftsecret vault minecraftminecraft vaultvault huntersvaulthuntersiskall85modded minecraftvault hunters modpackminecraft base inspirationminecraft modsbest minecraft mod 2022modpack tutorialsecret vaultmodded minecraft lets playminecraft rpg modpack
Description: Iskall reveals one of the big secrets in this minecraft modpack, as he shows the supremacy of the cake. Yes, a normal minecraft cake changes everything. Not a modded cake, but a vanilla cake. Yes it's true. Watch the episode. Vault Hunters is a modpack currently in Open Beta. It is unique in that it focuses on action rpg style gameplay as well as all the classic Minecraft elements, with over 2.1 billion different chestplates, swords, idols and more, the pack features a never-before-seen depth! Find out how to download and install Vault Hunters yourself and play along with iskall: || to install! Download my pregenned Vanilla world (5GB): Second link if the first one doesnt work: MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE š AND SUBSCRIBE! ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ TWITTER: LIVE STREAMS: VAULT HUNTERS: PLAY VAULT HUNTERS ONLINE: ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ā¬ #minecraft #vaulthunters #iskall85