Channel: Mark Crossfield
Category: Sports
Tags: shot scope g3 gps golf watchgolf stats appdisc golf stats explainedgolf lessons from the prosshot scope laser rangefindergolf stats coachgolf laser rangefindershot scopemark crossfield golfgolf lessonsshotscope pro lx reviewshotscope h4 reviewgolf technologyshot scope rangefinderlaser rangefindergolf lessons for beginnersshot scope v3tracking golf statsgolf stats explainedgolf lessons drivinggolf rangefindershotscope pro lx plus
Description: Mark Crossfield golf professional takes the ShotScope ProLX plus range finder GPS and stat tracking device onto the golf course to review. What do you get from this new ShotScope device and who might benefit from a laser, gps and stat tracking device. Mark Crossfield for golf reviews golf lessons and simple to use golf tips. SUBSCRIBE TODAY use this link Music by LabelGREY Social Links Twitter Instagram Facebook