Channel: Kristornio
Category: Gaming
Tags: how to be more efficenthow to grow your mentalitygreenrushsetupbest motivational videoadvicekidbesthow to cur edepressionboost your meanlityhow to be posistive in lifepositivityhow to be motivatedmotivaitonmkristornioinsanegreenrushhow to be enegertyickristorniosetupplayergamingsetuplife advicefornitehow to achieve youir gialssmart goalsextractionhow to be positivemotivation for peoplehow to be uipliftedbest life advicesetupkid
Description: In this episode I will be discussing the ability to extract positives from negatives and how to use the S.I.M.P.L.E goals strategy. Hey, thanks for coming down here. (: ⭐As you know comments are disabled by YouTube so, if you want to comment make sure you head over to my community page and speak your mind. There I answer and acknowledge all comments! Follow My Twitch: Use Code: "Kristornio" in the shop! Tweet me a picture of you buying something so I can hit you with a follow BACK! #ad -Connect With Me! ► Use Code "Kristornio" in the ITEM SHOP! Send me a pic of you buying something on Twitter for a follow back! #ad ► Twitch: ►Instagram: ►IRL Instagram: ►Twitter: ►Donation Link: ► To become a Member: __ -Business Contact Information: Email: __________________________________________________________________ If you're reading this comment- #kristornio2021