Channel: Bored Panda Art
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: levitating clockflyte story levitating clockbored pandaclockamazing clockmoon clockboredpandaartstory levitating clockstory by flytebored panda artlevitation clockclock artcustom clocklevitationstory
Description: In our modern age levitation still looks like magic, so I guess you could call Flyte a team of wizards. Earlier they have produced a levitating light bulb and now they're back with a hovering clock. It's called STORY and its main feature is a magnetically levitating sphere. It travels around the wooden base and completes one full orbit at the interval of a person's choice. The backlit display can be set to visualize different light patterns (like the moon phases) and the price of this magical gadget starts at $399. Learn more about it: --------------------- Leave a comment below. We would like to hear what you think Love art and design videos? Subscribe to our channel: For more art and design news, like us on Facebook: