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The Law of Attraction - Manifest while you Sleep Meditation

Duration: 03:00:10Views: 355KLikes: 4.4KDate Created: Jan, 2021

Channel: Dauchsy

Category: Entertainment

Tags: while you sleepmanifestmanifest meditationsleep musicsleep meditationmanifest affirmationsmanifest while you sleepaffirmationsmeditation musicguided meditationsleeplaw of attraction meditationmanifest guided meditationmeditationdauchsylaw of attractionpositive affirmationsdauchsy meditations

Description: The Law of Attraction - Manifest while you Sleep Meditation Intro: 0:00 - 4:30 Guided Meditation: 4:30 - 21:35 Manifest Affirmations: 21:35 - 3:00:00 Black Screen: 1:00:00 - 3:00:00 Throughout my journey using the law of attraction, I have always had an open mind and had high hopes, though I have noticed that as I become older, I have also become very skeptical of things. Even after the evidence of it’s capability through my own experiences have continued to pile up, I continued to show skepticism rationalizing it to, maybe I just got lucky, maybe it was just coincidence that exactly what I thought about and asked for came into my life. Because that is a possibility, and those thoughts have always created doubts in my mind. Now, in my unintentional search for an answer on whether or not the law of attraction works, I came across something I was not expecting. To be honest, I was expecting to grow out of a phase of irrational beliefs. I was expecting to find evidence that the law of attraction was fake, phony, and just make believe, wishful thinking. But what I discovered was much deeper and more profound than I would have ever expected. In the books I was reading, fiction and nonfiction, in my work as a psychotherapist, in my daily life, I was beginning to notice a connection. I was beginning to notice that the law of attraction was everywhere, though its not always called the law of attraction. I noticed how the law of attraction is taught in religion. Passages in the bible read “Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. “ask and it shall be given to you, seek, and you shall find, Knock, and it shall be opened unto you”, As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” In the Quran, it reads “Call upon me, I will respond to you” and “if you give thanks, I will give you more of my blessings.” These only being a couple examples of many many more. In my practice as a psychotherapist, I can’t tell you how much evidence there is and how many techniques there are proving how our thoughts create the world around us. It is our thoughts that create mental illness, and it is only our change in thoughts that can heal us from these mental illnesses. More and more scientific studies have begun to emerge explaining the brain’s reticular activating system which explains how we attract what we think about most. Then when a person such as Jordan Peterson, who the New York Times has stated as the most influential public intellectual in the western world right now talks about using exactly the same techniques as the law of attraction, there was no denying it for me anymore. Why? Because Jordan Peterson is very fact, data, research based and will not talk about anything that he has not already heavily researched and believes to be true. He talks about and highly recommends what he calls the future authoring program. This program is designed to help you imagine your ideal future, imagine what your life would look like, and to be very specific as to what you want in life. Sound familiar? So, if you are having any doubts about the law of attraction or are a skeptical person like me, I hope this helps convince you of the tremendous benefits and capabilities of the law of attraction. This meditation will guide you down into a deep restful state where you will gain access to your subconscious mind. Here, you will be guided in using the techniques of the law of attraction. Allowing you to manifest anything and everything you ask for. All as you fall asleep. Positive affirmations will follow to help ingrain the visualizations and beliefs into your subconscious mind, allowing you to manifest your desires more quickly.

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