Channel: Dicerz
Category: Gaming
Tags: runescapebossingskillingscaping 9 to 5osrs guideoldschool runescaperunescape as a jobfamily friendlyrunescape money makingrunescape mobileosrs2007rs3runescape guidefree to playold schooldicerz osrsosrs money making2007scape
Description: In this OSRS video, I follow a Kalphite Queen guide that was made in 2008. Support the channel by becoming a Member and unlocking some stuff! BUY SOME MERCH - Twitch Profile: Dicerz Twitter Handle: @Dicerz Discord Invite Code: PsTgScm Original Guide we used: If you would like to see more old school runescape videos, feel free to subscribe to this osrs channel and leave a comment suggesting what kinds of osrs videos you'd like to see in the future. Old School Runescape is an old version of RuneScape, taking place from what RS was like in 2007. You can play OSRS for free at Channel Artist's Contact: @andrewwdesigns (twitter) Video Editor: