Channel: Baby Nenes
Category: Entertainment
Tags: babynenesthe months of the ywarthe four seasonsseasons in englishenglish for kidsthe days of the weekdays in englishmonths in english
Description: Learn the days, months and seasons in English for kids with this video. Children can learn the names of the days of the week, the four seasons and the months of the year in a funny way with cartoon animations and music. Entertainment is the best way to learn. Do not forget to share this video if you want to give support to our channel. Subscribe BABY NENES and activate the notifications: #learnenglish #englishforkids #englishlearning Other videos recommended for you: - Numbers in English for kids - 1 to 10: - Surprise boxes words in English: Foods: - The farm in English for kids: - Surprise words in English for kids - Easter eggs: - Vehicles and transport in English for kids: