Channel: VWestlife
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: at3600lcounterweightat-lp60turntablelp60at3600reviewrecordspeakersaudiophilemagnetic1-ad07us03audiovinylplayerphonographlp60xphonotest1byoneatlp60audio-technicacartridgerock pigeonatlp60xat-lp60xpre-amp
Description: A "proper" turntable with a magnetic cartridge and adjustable counterweight for the same price as a suitcase player sounds like a great deal -- but not if it comes with broken and incorrect parts. *CORRECTION:* There is another trimmer on the back for adjusting the 33⅓ RPM speed which I overlooked when making the video. Chapters Index: 0:00 Pricing & overview 1:22 Specifications 2:21 First look & accessories 3:49 Broken & incorrect parts 6:15 Tonearm design 7:02 Controls & outputs 8:37 No frills 9:23 Speed issues 11:49 Playback tests 14:26 X-Dreams - Mary Ann 17:42 The Winning Lion - It's Time To Go 21:48 Reversed channels 23:35 Final thoughts 25:08 Outro music