Channel: Scott Cramer
Category: Comedy
Tags: scott kramerreactionscott cramerscottstolcommentary
Description: Want FREE tickets to Japan? Use my code: SCOTT10 and link: to get 10% off your Bokksu subscription and automatically be entered in their giveaway! Anyone who subscribes before December 31st, even as a gift, will be eligible to win ✈🥳 You can find more information on Bokksu’s ‘Tickets to Japan’ Giveaway, including Terms & Conditions and alternative free entry methods here: I'm exhausted. This has been the busiest year of my life, and I'm ready for a short break. But before that, let's go through every video I made this year and talk about what went into making them. I wrote a whole song that I was going to release alongside this video, but I didn't have time to record it because of a sponsor deadline. It's a blessing and a curse, but I'm going to TRY to loosen up my work schedule next year in order to create more fulfilling projects more consistently. "Three for them, one for me" has always been the goal. Hopefully I can do a little more for me in the future. If you like what you see, turn off your TV and do it. 0:00 Sponsor 1:35 Strap yourselves in... 2:35 Key Epic 4:00 Publishers Clearing House 5:11 Single Ladies Ted Talk 6:40 PrankStars 8:21 Dog Eat Dog 9:49 Clown College 11:26 Siblings or Dating 12:27 Competition Shows 14:19 Weird PSAs 16:00 Got Milk? 17:32 The Incredible Mr. Limpet 18:41 Seduction Ted Talk 20:12 Awkward Rich People 21:55 Subs Across America 23:15 Sexy Beasts 24:51 Sneaker Shopping 26:40 GoDaddy 28:27 Who Wants To Be a Superhero 30:17 American Gladiators 32:32 YouTube Live 34:37 Apple Jacks Commercials 35:59 BuzzFeed 37:12 Whodunnit? 39:42 Liquid Death 41:31 Is Anything Real? 42:55 Batman TV Show 45:20 The Beer Mile 47:10 Jack Frost 48:35 The most important part. MERCH PATREON INSTAGRAM TWITTER SECOND CHANNEL Scott Cramer PO Box 131 Horace, ND 58047 #ScottCramer MY GEAR Camera: Camera Lens: Desk Microphone: Handheld Mic: This video was sponsored by Bokksu.