Channel: The Lawn Care Nut
Category: Education
Tags: soil testmy soil test kitlawn soil test kitsoil savvy test kitsoil test kithome soil test kitmysoil soil test kitlawn nuthow to test soil for nutrientslcnlawncare nutlawn care 2022the lawn care nutdiy soil testsimple lawn solutionslawn care nutin the yardlawn soil testsoil testing for lawnyard mastery soil testmysoildiy lawn caresoil testing at homelawn caresoil testing kityard masterylawnryan knorrsoil testing
Description: Soil Testing in preparation for lawn treatments in back. 1 full year with no treatments, I'm interested to see what I get! Test Kits on sale through the end of this month:: buy one get one 50% off: The best DIY lawn care training online - full step-by-step video course and you can ask questions there too: Soil Testing Guide FREE - direct download: This soil test kit works great with the app and sometime by the end of this year I'll have it where the soil test informs the program in the app to make it truly custom. Almost there! #soil #DIY #yardmastery Download the Yard Mastery App! iOS - Android - Website - Lawn Plans: FREE guides and newsletter Podcast: