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Telly's GREENHOUSE Tour: AROIDS, HOYAS, and More! — Ep. 249

Duration: 53:45Views: 289KLikes: 6.8KDate Created: Oct, 2021

Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes

Category: Howto & Style

Tags: thaumatophyllumphilodendrondetroit mi plant shopstroy mi plant shopsphilodendronsgardeninghouseplantsplant one on meplantsanthurium collectionsummer rayne oakeshouse plantsgreenhouse tourtellys troy miaroidscolocasiahouseplant caretellys greenhouse touranthuriumaroid plantsrare plantshoyasindoor plantsrare plant collectionbest plant shops in michiganalocasiaaroidhomestead brooklyngardenaroid collectorhoyatellys greenhousetellys

Description: While on a short stopover in Detroit, MI, I was told that I "had" to go see Telly's Greenhouse in nearby Troy—a four-decade, family-owned and operated greenhouse selling houseplants, annuals, and perennials. Well, let me just say I was bowled over with their wide selection of some very hard-to-find plants—not to mention how nice and full many of their plants were. Dare I say they might have a BETTER selection than most plant shops in NYC. But you can be the judge of that! More about them on their website: tellys.com The Reader's Digest, 'Success with Houseplants': amzn.to/3G1UsOR — a total classic! __ "Plant One On Me" is a channel produced by Summer Rayne Oakes of Homestead Brooklyn that is primarily focused on houseplants and outdoor gardening. Our mission with the channel is to bring people closer to plants by bringing plants closer to them through engaging, entertaining, and educational content. If you enjoy the content and want to support the channel, you can do so by becoming a Sustaining Member for as little as $5/month: bit.ly/2MvqUPz Write your questions and suggestions in the comments below the videos and on Instagram @homesteadbrooklyn #PlantOneOnMe. -------------------------------- 😎 COOL STUFF ↴ -------------------------------- ONLINE COURSES: ➨ A Beginner's Course to Houseplants: houseplantbasics.com ➨ Become a houseplant guru with the Houseplant Masterclass: houseplantmasterclass.com ➨ Troubleshoot Your Houseplants Course: bit.ly/38DOyFd ➨ Get the 125 Houseplant Care Spreadsheet and the Houseplant Care Tracker™: bit.ly/2rMmlJt OTHER STUFF: ➨ Order "How to Make a Plant Love You" the book: amzn.to/2Pyv7Ra ➨ Homestead Brooklyn Shop: homesteadbrooklyn.com/shop ➨ See my Houseplant Picks and Storefront (with affiliate codes) amazon.com/shop/summerrayneoakes kit.co/homesteadbrooklyn And want to be kept up-to-date with all the great giveaways, gardening news, and latest videos and blogs? -------------------------------- 💚FOLLOW/SUB ↴ -------------------------------- ▶ Subscribe to YouTube: bit.ly/2y1TSym ▶ Instagram+IGTV: bit.ly/2R60nsJ ▶ Facebook: bit.ly/2QkpKWq ▶ Twitter: @sroakes (twitter.com/sroakes) ▶ Blog: homesteadbrooklyn.com ▶ Plant Swaps: homesteadbrooklyn.com/plantswap ▶ Newsletter: eepurl.com/clrKeL -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 😄SUPPORT ↴ -------------------------------- if you like this episode and the others, then be sure to “Subscribe” to this channel and hit the Notifications bell. This really does help keep the channel moving forward! Also, you can become a pillar of support for the channel by becoming a Sustaining Member. More information here: bit.ly/2MvqUPz

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