Channel: GoldenTot
Category: Gaming
Tags: ffignisgoldentotzhephfinal fantasyffxiv funny momentsoversleepersfunny momentsff14goldentotproductionsemerald weapon extremeweaponmomentswoopsferroextremefunnyfuura14fantasyhardcore raidxivfinal fantasy xivrevengesillytateffxivemem exsillinessmrhappyemerald weaponexhighlightsemexslayafinalff14 funny momentsemerald
Description: We hopped into Emerald EX during out E12S prog to get some weapons to help with our DPS on week 1 prog, so here's the highlights of that! Not so much a first impressions as much as it is just highlights and goofs as we got our 10 clears. (This was originally included in the E12S Day 1 video but we decided to split it into 2 videos, which is why there's not a proper intro/outro.) Edited by [The second phase theme is a jam and you can't convince me otherwise.] Stream - Twitter -