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Tags: john wick chapter 2 clipcgi breakdownjohn wick 2 endingvfxjohn wick 2 keanu reevesjohn wick penciljohn wick 2 reviewjohn wick vfx breakdownjohn wick chapter 2 scenescornjohn wickvfxbrkjohn wick 3john wick 2 moviejohn wick concertjohn wick behind the scenesjohn wick 2 killjohn wick 2 scenejohn wick catacombsjohn wick chapter 3john wick seriesjohn wick soundtrackjohn wick 2 soundtrackjohn wick btsvfx breakdownjohn wick 2 clip
Description: The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Like the music in this video? Get it on iTunes: ► ◄ Listen on Spotify: ► ◄ Buy it on Amazon: ► ◄ By now, everybody has heard of John Wick, seen all three films numerous times, and watched all the VFX breakdowns, blooper reels, and extras that are out there. So here is some lesser-known "Behind the scenes" footage and some interesting facts that you may not already know about. The film's original name was actually "Scorn" however, every time Keanu Reeves talked about the film he referred to it as "John Wick", so in order to take advantage of the hype Keanu had generated for "John Wick", the film's distributor decided to change the film's name. Keanu did about 90% of his own stunts, fight scenes, and driving, this meant he had to train a lot, intense training, 8 hours a day for 4 months! This training regime involved shooting training, including something called "Gun-Fu" which is a combination of martial arts and gunplay, and to learn to be able to transition quickly between shooting stances, the close-quarter Center Axis Relock stance to longer-range stances like Weaver and Isosceles, he also trained in Judo, Brazilian and Japanese Jiu-Jitsu and even a technique they called "Car-fu", which is the art of fighting with cars! When on location in New York, the team's filming permit was very restrictive, cars weren't allowed to break the speed limits even though the streets were blocked off and they weren't allowed to use blank ammunition in the action scenes so quite a lot of CG muzzle flashes were added in post. John Wick's kill count over the three films is a staggering 299 people! 128 of these were in John Wick 2. The final fight scene in John Wick 2 was choreographed to Vivaldi's Four seasons, they removed the percussion from the original score and replaced it with gunshot sounds. Some good news for all us John Wick lovers is that the John Wick universe isn't going to end with Parabellum, John Wick 4 is due for release in May 2022, and shortly after the spin-off TV series about the Assassin's hotel called "The Continental" will be released. John Wick 5 is rumored to be the last film in the series. Please give us a like if you enjoyed this video, don't forget the links to the music in this video are in the video description and be sure to let us know, in the comments, which movie VFX you'd like to see behind next! This video was sponsored by Skillshare. Read more here: Follow us on Twitter: