Channel: Magnetic Minds
Category: Entertainment
Tags: wipe out negativityhealing musicremove mental blockagesremove negative energyremove subconscious blockages2021meditation musicsubconscious mind programmingpositive energysolfeggio frequency417 hzbinaural beatshealinginner peacedissolve negative patternsclearing subconscious negativityremove negativitylet go of mental blockagesbinaural beats meditationsubconscious negativitycleanse negative energyremove negative thoughts417hz
Description: Subconscious Mind Connection - Clear Subconscious Negativity - Binaural Beats - Meditation Music Purchase this MP3: Magnetic Minds: This session contains frequencies which will allow your awareness to connect to the deepest levels of your Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Mind is the bridge between the Mind and Body. The primary concern is day to day operation of the body, and to keep your programming in-tact. This is what you believe, what you've accepted, who you've been trained by, how far you're willing to go, etc. All of these things are dealt with by the Subconscious Mind. It's also directly connected to Source, meaning that, the part of your mind which isn't conscious, and source are the same thing. This section of the mind also remembers everything that's coming in through your information gates (Sight, Sound, Feeling, ect). The Emotions are also stored in the body through the Subconscious Mind. It is largely in control also of your Instincts and responses. It keeps the same responses flowing, day in, and day out, like clockwork unless you change it, or something changes. This area is also heavily influenced by Metaphors, Imagery, and Symbolism. This is highly important. Contrary to popular belief you can program the Subconscious Mind through your Consciousness. It listens to and takes direction from your conscious mind. This is why Affirmations work. When you program your Subconscious Mind, it needs to be in a positive sense. It does not accept negative commands. The following frequencies are contained in this video: 4 Hz Binaural Beats Subconscious Mind 4 Hz Monaural Beats Subconscious Mind For best results, you should listen to this with your eyes closed. If you enjoy this video, please Like and Subscribe for weekly updates. ===== General Questions ===== Q. What are Binaural Beats? "Binaural Beats" is a term given to playing one sound frequency in one ear, and another sound frequency in the opposite ear, creating a two-tone effect in the mid-brain that is actually perceived to be one tone. This causes an "Entrainment" effect in the brain that has a variety of results depending on the frequency. Q. What are Binaural Beats good for? Lots of things. Meditation, Relaxation, Stress Relief, Deeper Sleep, Pain Relief, Mind Expansion, Brain Hemisphere Synchronization, and the list goes on and on. Pretty much any element of the Mind / Body complex can be improved using Binaural Beats, which again is just Brainwave Entrainment. Q. Do Binaural Beats Actually Work? Indeed. Many scientific studies (especially as of late) have conclusive research on Brainwave Entrainment and it's effects. Q. Must I wear headphones for these videos? You don't have to use headphones, but the Binaural effect is increased if you do. Q. Do I need to close my eyes while listening to this? No, although you'll find closing your eyes will generally lead to a deeper, more profound state while listening. If you enjoy this video, please Like and Subscribe for weekly updates.