Channel: Amy Landino
Category: Education
Tags: amy landinoamytvhow to startstop waiting for life to happengood morning good lifestop waitinghow to start a businessschmittasticvlog like a bossgary vaynerchukhow to start nowmotivational video shortdetail therapyhow to get startedafraid to startmotivational videothe fear of startingmotivational video for students
Description: JOIN SHINE SQUAD ✨ Tune into Amy's daily motivational 2 min podcast! SUNDAYS AT 9AM ET! ☀️ SUBSCRIBE & TUNE IN! 🍋 💬 Text me for #AmyTV updates: Text AMYTV to +1 (614) 963-2839 📸 Join me on Instagram: 🎧 Listen to Detail Therapy Podcast with Amy Landino: