Channel: Koifish
Category: Gaming
Tags: vikings ck3ck3 stewardshipck3 royal courtck3 stewardship lifestyleck3 guidecrusader kings 3 royal courtroyal court ck3ck3crusader kings 3 guidecrusader kings 3 tipsck3 achievementsck3 royal court gameplaycrusader kings royal courtck3 cultureck3 stewardship onlykoifish ck3ck3 tallck3 tutorialck3 zero to herocrusader kings 3 tutorialcrusader kings 3ck3 culture updateck3 dlcck3 hybrid cultureskoi fish ck3ck3 sweden
Description: Stewardship is the third out of five different Lifestyle focuses that you can pick for your character in Crusader Kings 3. But how GOOD is it? It's absolutely BROKEN! And in this guide I will teach you how to go from a duke all the way to the ruler of The Holy Roman Empire! In this video, Koifish will show how ANYONE can earn a LOT of gold, take a lot of land and become the emperor of the HRE in LESS than 36 years! In this CK3 Challenge and guide, I use some of the best strategies, tips and tricks and exploits to speedrun by playing as the Stewardship master that I created in ruler designer! This is how easy it is to go all the way from a small county, to a massive empire, in only ONE LIFETIME! This is the third episode in a five part series that will focus on all the Lifestyle focuses in Crusader Kings 3! Next video will focus on Intrigue, so make sure to subscribe for that!