Channel: Beautiful Destinations
Category: Entertainment
Tags: tomjaunceygoprogo prospidermangoprohero9hero 9
Description: Director’s Notes September 12th, 2020: four days before the launch of the GoPro Hero 9 and thanks to my friends at Adorama I get my hands on the highly anticipated new camera. The adrenaline is pumping as I know the next few days are going to be intense but that’s what I live for, a passion for creating. In 2 days of shooting and 1 day of editing the goal is to turn around something that captures the attention of the world as GoPro releases their new camera. I love setting stretch goals and pushing the boundaries but this is going to be a challenge! As I write this out it makes me laugh, that during quarantine I became Spider-Man. What started as a fun and quirky video during lockdown developed into something so much more. My Spider-Man videos have now generated over 25 Million views across Social Media and helped drive $125,000 for charity. So when Adorama approached me about the GoPro Hero 9, it was an obvious choice to bring Spider-Man back to life. I liked the positioning of taking GoPro’s slogan quite literally, #BeAHero, and coming up with something original that would suit the style of the camera and show others what they could do with the product. In this case I wanted to create a high energy, in your face video that would merge first person POV with FPV, two things that GoPro have become synonymous with. Despite my work and life revolving around Social Media, through Beautiful Destinations, I actually look elsewhere for my inspiration. Movies are what get me excited and I always love the concept of taking something that was done in film and translating that to the smaller screen. In this case I had Guy Ritchies’ quick cut editing style in mind and Matthew Vaughn’s Kickass/Kingsmen action scenes as the inspiration. For me, new equipment is always an opportunity to try something different. I love challenging myself to push a product to it’s breaking point, that’s when you really know if the product is going to be a regular in your camera bag. The GoPro Hero 9 certainly will be! Special Thanks Team Spidey: Tom Jauncey | Creator, Director, Filmmaker | Reme Morales | FPV Pilot | Andras Raczenböck | Editor | Noah Deitch | Parkour Athlete | Maxwell Gorman | Parkour Athlete | Greg Skriloff| Photographer | Jerome Poirier | Photographer | Andrews James | BTS | Dave Scott | BTS | Logan Armstrong | Getting The Shot Editor | Adorama - Thank you so much for making this all possible! More in-depth product review here: Music Song: “Parliament Funk” by Knife Party Knife Party Instagram: Parliament Funk Spotify: #GoPro #Hero9 #FPV #BeAHero #GoProHero #GoProHero9