Channel: Graham Bensinger
Category: Entertainment
Tags: sports journalismgraham bensingermotogpbehind the scenesvalentino rossi englishvalentino rossi motogpitalian adventurevalentino rossi italyvalentino rossivalentino rossi kelly slaterin depth with graham bensingersports interview
Description: Graham and the crew offer a behind-the-scenes look at their adventures before, during and after their day-long episode shoot with MotoGP legend, Valentino Rossi. Director of photography Seth saves the day, plus Graham is impressed with Rossi’s English fluency and offers a shout-out to Kelly Slater for making it all happen. IN ITALIANO: Graham e l'equipaggio offrono uno sguardo da dietro le quinte delle loro avventure prima, durante e dopo la giornata di riprese con la leggenda della MotoGP, Valentino Rossi. Il direttore della fotografia Seth salva la situazione, mentre Graham è colpito dall’ottimo inglese di Rossi e ringrazia pubblicamente Kelly Slater per aver reso il tutto possibile. #ValentinoRossi #Italy #MotoGP Become a member to watch full episodes and get exclusive access to content: Subscribe to watch the latest interviews: Episode debuted nationwide in 2022. For episode guide and nationwide television listings, visit Connect with Graham: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: