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Special Feature: The Sharer Fam makes Algorithm Music

Duration: 15:00Views: 590.9KLikes: 21.9KDate Created: Nov, 2018

Channel: Sorrow TV

Category: Comedy

Tags: lizzy sharersharer music videokids musicstephen sharerstephensorrow tv special featuresharer musiccarter sharersharerscarteryoutube kids musicsharer famsharersorrow tv

Description: this is a rap about videos when youre online watching some videos there you go youre going watching videos everybody loves to watch up on my videos videos videos videos videos videos videos videos videos videos The songs mentioned: youtube.com/watch?v=AoXppCgaBSk&list=PL-T2wRtDS6cdctfSSZLpswwGBum7m9d72 r/niceguys: goo.gl/PvnYg8 r/quityourbullshit: goo.gl/D85pNq r/AntiMLM: goo.gl/GE3sz6 r/woooosh: goo.gl/pdYhLT r/oopsdidntmeanto: goo.gl/wXxbf4 r/nicegirls: goo.gl/wYy6RA r/choosingbeggars: goo.gl/H9WQha r/tumblr: goo.gl/RxcQo3 @forexposure_txt: goo.gl/8Wbb2m r/oldpeoplefacebook: goo.gl/dyFwcN r/ Top Posts: goo.gl/q8ptsB Twitter: twitter.com/Sorrow_TV

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